Terms of Use:
This place is for fun. It is meant to be light hearted and tongue-in-cheek. While the great issues of religion and politics are matters of utmost concern, we respectfully request that you take debates over more serious matters to other sites built to handle those types of discussions. Please come in, post your examples of atrocious taste in art, dress, design, etc, for us all to enjoy, but please keep your “victims” anonymous and your critiques light hearted! You may, of course, make a fool of yourself. There is not stopping you on that account!
Mistreating others, however, is tacky. Therefore, personal attacks of any kind are not allowed. Racial, ethnic, and religious slurs are tacky and will get you banned. Yes, you may comment on styles of dress or tacky things people do, but we respectfully request that you DO NOT, unless you have express written permission, identify them, use close ups, or name them. Remember, it is tacky to use a public forum to get even with or embarrass your neighbors.
From a legal standpoint, only upload images for which you have permission, hold the copyright, or which you have taken yourself.
The Tacky Police are not responsible for your legal troubles. This is an open forum. We rely upon the reporting by our members to make us aware of violations of policy or tacky behavior on this site. Please do let us know.
These are some guidelines to follow when using our forums. Remember, these will eventually be moderated forums, and we have the final word on any content posted.
Administrators and Moderators can and will delete or edit posts if these fall out of these guidelines. In some situations the poster may be contacted in private via PM. If the behaviour persists the poster can be locked out of the forums. This ban is for an unlimited time. Users posting in our forums agree to these terms. |
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
Members like you are providing most of the material in the Forums. Such third-party content is the sole responsibility of the person originating the material. TackyPolice.com does not control and is not responsible for this third-party material.
TackyPolice.com does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement on intellectual property rights, or quality of any material in the community, regardless of who originates that material. You expressly understand and agree that you bear all risks associated with using or relying on the material. TackyPolice.com will not be liable or responsible in any way for any content in the Forums, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in the material, or for any losses or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of or reliance on any material.